Of The World Publishing consists of three separate imprints…art and design; fiction and advice.
Read on to discover more!

The Of The World series of books lets you inside the homes and lives of people all around the globe. As they share their lives, their hobbies or their houses you will find that although we are all very different, we are also very much the same.
The people that we profile have one thing in common – they are living beautiful lives (by their own definition!) Lives that are full and the kind of lives that they dreamed they would live (which are really the best kind, don’t you think?)

Accidental Publishing is fiction with a sense of place.
Let us take you to somewhere you’ve never been before – or somewhere that is imbedded deep in your subconscious – and escape from your everyday life with a great read. Discover a novel, short story or piece of poetry where the location is one of the main characters and let yourself be transported into another world.

Books make life better.
With Fiosracht Press we want to make life as good as it can possibly be! With great food, healthy living ideas, advice, business know-how and so much more, Fiosracht Press is all about making life easier, better and expanding your knowledge.
By the way, Fiosracht (pron. fiss-rat) is a Gaelic word meaning curiosity and wisdom…the very things we advocate with our titles.